Action Group e-petition
Ursulas Coxhead's explanation of the flawed criteria for diagnosing
Adhesive Arachnoiditis used to assess sufferer's eligibility to proceed
with their litigation:
The criteria used for litigation was flawed. They demanded that one had
to have a.A. over two levels of discs. They never looked at if it was
Arachnoiditis or adhesive Arachnoiditis. If one had a operation the a.A.
had to be over and above the site of the operarion. If it was on the
site of the operation it wasn’t caused by Myodil. It actually had
to be above and below the site of the operation. So how could all the
claimants possibly match these crooked rules. If they where honest all
they had to do was distinguish if it was adhesive Arachnoiditis or focal
Arachnoiditis. An operation can cause Arachnoiditis but not adhesive